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MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Aug 27, 2011

REVIEW [excerpt]: My Chemical Romance bring the theatrics to Reading festival 2011

It got off to a damp start, but the enthusiasm of Pulled Apart By Horses and Metronomy got the crowd in the mood for MCR's sensational but silly headline slot

 "...Less confusing is the excitement building up for My Chemical Romance or MCR or My Chem's set. The band have undoubtedly come a long way since being bottled here in 2006 (seriously upsetting lead singer Gerad Way in the process) and are now part of The Big League, boasting a whopping four studio albums. Way, currently resembling an excitable manga character with his red hair and leather romper suit, seems to enjoy being bathed in adoration rather than bottles of wee (funny that, isn't it?). It could be that their ADD emo pop packs plenty of tunes – or it could be the smoke, fireworks, balloons and hi tech video show – but tonight they look like a band who belong on top of the bill. At least they do until the end, when they veer from sensational to just plain silly, inviting Brian May onstage for a cover of We Will Rock You followed by the weighty MCR classic Welcome To The Black Parade.

It's a suitably theatric climax, perhaps, but in some ways disappointing that a band have resorted to pulling in "star" names. Because if Reading's opening day proves anything, it's that the younger bands – not the established names – know how to really rock you."

read full article here

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